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In the global world, the mobility of capital, communications, and the rapid development of technologies are the main drivers that significantly diminish businesses’ competitive advantages. In addition, it has become Adapt or Die for many businesses in the turbulent white waters of deregulation and international markets. Literature reports that technology development and enhancement will be the most critical source of economic growth in the future, and businesses must be more innovative in using new technologies in products, services, and processes. However, developing a Technology Strategy is complicated due to the ever-changing nature of technology, the simultaneous MARKET-PULL & SCIENCE-PUSH (that results in rapid technological changes), and the pace of change dictated by high investment in research and development activities.

The Art & Science of a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) is a viable solution in the strategic management of technology and innovation. ManTech Holdings’ TBI office is vital for new technology business enterprises to serve as a dock-on station. It provides the essential skills, know-how, and expertise these new businesses need to roll out high-profile technologies and innovations in international markets.

The goal of our TBI  office is to assist in the establishment of technology business enterprises that:

  • Understand the future.
  • Call the tune.
  • Take calculated risks.
  • Defy old paradigms.
  • Renew continually.
  • Manage through creative retention.
  • Inspire with pack leadership.
  • Focus on aligning value-added components.
  • Focus on trust as the most critical resource.
  • Focus on masses of imagination and inspiration.

We ensure a sustainable flow of new technologies and innovations with linkage to R&D environments based on applied research results.

The main activities include:

  • Technology intelligence
  • Technology scouting
  • Technology management